Section, then expand the section for the deployment manager virtual machine. 部分,然后展开部署管理器虚拟机部分。
The Information Model section of Rational Asset Manager enables the enterprise to specify the asset types, relationship types, asset attributes, and category schemas. RationalAssetManager的InformantionModel部分能使企业指定资产类型、关系类型、资产属性和分类方案。
Using the two tables that you have created in the Extract, transform, and load from the staging to the warehouse schema section, you will change the metadata model in Framework Manager to turn it into a dimensional model. 使用您在从阶段提取、转化和载入到仓库方案部分中创建的两个表格,您要更改FrameworkManager中的元数据模型,并将其整合到一个范围性的模型中。
This section defines the Logical Volume Manager ( LVM) and introduces some of its features. 本节定义逻辑卷管理器(LogicalVolumeManager,LVM)并介绍它的一些特性。
This section focuses on synchronizing the existing nodes with the newly created deployment manager. 本节将同步现有的节点与新创建的部署管理器。
In this section I'll briefly focus on the organizational structure within which Rational Asset Manager will operate. 在本小节中,我将关注的重点放在组织结构上,它是RationalAssetManager运行的条件。
This section shows one way to use the Manager via the interpreter to create a device, create a managed set, and deploy a domain to the devices in the managed set. 这一小节介绍了通过解释器使用Manager来创建一个设备、创建一个管理集和向管理集设备部署一个域的一个方法。
The sample code provided in the Download section illustrates the interaction between Content Manager and ILOG JRules through a custom event handler. 在下载小节中提供的示例代码演示了ContentManager和ILOGJRules之间通过定制的事件处理器实现的交互。
This section discusses the implementation of the XML-based localization pack manager in the application environment described above. 这一节讨论上述应用程序环境中基于XML的本地化包管理器的实现。
This section explains the repository operations that either the Project Model Manager or a software or data modeler will perform. 本段解释了要么是项目模型管理员要么是数据建模人员执行的存储库操作。
As noted in the previous section, WPAR Manager requires a sub-agent to be installed on the ISD agent of all endpoint systems on which WPARs are to be managed. 正如前一节中提到的,WPARManager需要在管理的WPAR所在的所有端点系统的ISD代理上安装子代理。
This section discusses how you can use Rational Quality Manager to support your planning process. 本段将会探讨您可以怎样使用RationalQualityManager,来支持您的计划过程。
The name, theme, and other information about the business space displays in the right section of the Business Space Manager. 名称、主题和关于业务空间的其他信息显示在BusinessSpaceManager的右侧部分。
This section has a guide to help you quickly configure a queue manager with optimised settings for the processing of persistent and non-persistent messages. 在此部分,我们将提供一个指南,帮助您快速配置具有用于处理持久和非持久消息的优化设置的队列管理器。
As introduced in the System configuration section, you need to have the Rational Asset Manager community configured before you can add assets to it. 正如在系统配置一节中介绍过的,您需要先配置好RationalAssetManager的社区,然后才可以将资产添加给它。
This section describes how to create the Deployment Manager and custom profiles necessary for our topology, and how they need to be federated to the cell. 本节描述如何创建拓扑所需的DeploymentManager和自定义配置文件,以及如何将它们联接到单元。
This section shows you how Content Manager document routing can be used to accomplish various client tasks. 这一节说明如何使用ContentManager文档路由完成不同的客户机任务。
Throughout the book, each discussion of a topic is followed by a section of narrative, mainly from the integration and system test manager's point of view. 全书每个主题的讨论均跟随着一段叙述,主要来源于集成和系统测试经理的观点。
The Resources section contains a link to detailed instructions for installing and configuring Optim Performance Manager. 参考资料部分包含关于OptimPerformanceManager安装与配置细节说明的链接。
This section shows how to install WPAR manager and relocate a running WPAR. 这个部分将显示如何安装WPAR管理器以及重定位正在运行的WPAR。
After collecting candidate information, sales section will submit a list of20 qualified candidates to the sales manager by the end of february. 收集完候选人资料后,销售部在2月底之前向销售经理提交一个20名合格候选人的名单。
In the Content section of the Hosting Control Center, click the File Manager icon. 在主机控制中心的内容部分,点击文件管理器的图标。
This print section offprint published the working report of the leader's speech and general manager, in order to offer everybody study. 本刊节选刊登了领导的讲话和总经理的工作报告,以供大家学习。
In the My Products section, click Domain Manager. 在我的产品部分中,单击域管理器。
To get a flavor of what mobl looks like, this section will demonstrate the implementation of a simple to-do list manager. 为了真正了解mobl是什么样子的,我会在这个部分演示如何实现一个简单的to-do列表管理器。
The allocation of responsibility is from the section manager to the department manager and then to the division manager. 责任的分配是从科室经理到部门经理,然后到分公司经理。
Must know that the Orde outstanding lion big aperture is more than one months ago, in that time section, is precisely the manager asks an outrageous price, many foreign aids ask a price nearly double! 要知道,奥德杰狮子大开口是在一个多月前,在那个时间段,正是经纪人漫天要价的时候,许多外援的要价几乎都翻了一番!
I became a section manager. 我当上了科。
Refer to the report schedule and follow up with relevant section supervisors, ensuring all reports are updated and handed to the manager on time. 关于报告时间表,要和相应的主管跟进,确保所有的报告准时的交给经理。
In the plan owner section, type or select the name of the manager who should own the project. 在“计划所有者”部分中,键入或选择应该负责该项目的经理的姓名。